Which Neighborhoods Should You Buy Housing In?

One of the biggest questions to answer when you're looking for homes for sale is what neighborhood to buy in. There are a lot of trains of thought when it comes to picking a neighborhood. Here is an explanation of some of the biggest factors. 

Up-and-Coming, Well-Established, or Bargain Basement

There are three different types of neighborhoods to look at in terms of their popularity. The first are the neighborhoods that are established already as good choices. These are the ones that clearly have a lot to offer; they are close to downtown or have good transportation, they offer great schools, they're safe, and so on. While that all sounds great, you'll pay a lot more for what you get if you choose to live in one of those neighborhoods. By all means, some people prioritize these things and are willing to pay more for them, but others seek out the deals. 

Another possible choice is the up-and-coming neighborhoods. These are ones that seem like they will be where the popular neighborhoods are one day. You might be seeing more businesses and people pouring into these neighborhoods. They are still affordable because they're not quite "there" yet. These can be a good investment, with the possibility to increase home values a lot by the time that you want to sell your home. But they could also never "get there," in which case you're left in a neighborhood you might not have chosen. 

The final consideration is the bargain neighborhoods. They might be unpopular because of their location or because of their crime rates, for instance. You can get a lot of house for your buck, though. 


Another thing to think about when picking homes for sale is whether they are located near the amenities that you value most. It's helpful to think of this in terms of your current life stage and the next one, if you plan to stay in the house for a while. Right now, you might value being near some cool bars or community event centers. In a few years, you might be looking more at the quality of schools. An ideal neighborhood can provide both. 

Overall Location

Another deciding factor is where the neighborhood is located overall in comparison to the rest of the city. And, where the home is located within that particular neighborhood. You might get lower home prices in a neighborhood that is technically classified as unpopular, but it's well-located near public transportation and roads that get you where you need to go quickly. All of these factors and more go into choosing the best location for your new home. 
